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Your guide to doing Live Interviews on Cammio

Welcome to the Cammio live interview guide! Preparing for an interview can be daunting, but we're here to make it smooth and stress-free. This quick guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from tech setup to interview tips. Get ready to shine in your upcoming live interview!

Before you start

Schedule and confirm

On Cammio, recruiters can invite you to a live interview in two ways. You may receive a direct invitation via email with a specific date, time, and a link to the interview room. Alternatively, recruiters might use the scheduling feature, which allows you to choose a convenient time slot from the available options. Once you have your interview scheduled, make sure to mark it on your calendar and keep the interview link accessible!

Check your tech

Choose your device: Use a laptop or desktop for a stable experience. Tablets and smartphones are okay, but ensure they're steady.
Check your internet: Wired connections are more reliable than Wi-Fi.
Browser ready: Most browsers work fine with Cammio, but we recommend using Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.

Set the stage

Dress the part: Even though it's a video interview, dress as you would for an in-person one. It shows you’re taking this opportunity seriously and also gives you an extra boost of confidence.
Find your perfect spot: Choose a quiet, well-lit place for your interview. You want to be seen and heard clearly, without distractions. A plain background or a tidy room is ideal.

Time for your interview

Joining the interview

Be early: Access the link from your email about 10-15 minutes before the interview. Simply click on the link to get started.
Consent and disclaimer: You may be prompted to give consent via a disclaimer before starting your interview. This step is essential for privacy and recording agreements, so make sure you read it carefully and understand what you're agreeing to.
Media test: Before starting the interview, you'll be asked to test your settings. There is a quick network connection check and you can test your camera and microphone to ensure everything's working smoothly. You will have to speak up during the test to make sure your audio is all good. Once we hear you, the "Next" button will be enabled.
Virtual waiting room: After clicking ‘Next’, you’ll be in the waiting room until the interviewer starts the session.

During the interview

Eye contact: Look at the camera to create a sense of connection.
Communicate clearly: Listen well, answer concisely, and be yourself.
Engage: Feel free to ask questions and interact with the interviewer.

Interview recordings:
Interviewers may want to record the interview session so that they can look back at it afterwards. Cammio respects your privacy and requires your explicit consent before recording any part of the interview. If recording is requested, you’ll receive a notification during the interview, and you can choose to accept or decline. Remember, it's your right to refuse recording if you're not comfortable with it.

Wrap up and follow-up

End on a high note by thanking the interviewer. Send a thank-you note later to express your interest in the position.

Troubleshooting tips

Experiencing technical issues? Refreshing your browser or rebooting your device can help.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for more insights and answers to common queries.
Persistent issues? Reach out to Cammio support at for quick assistance.

With this guide, you’re now fully equipped to tackle your live interview on Cammio. Get ready to impress and make the most of this opportunity!

Updated on: 10/04/2024

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